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Best 5 Daily Skin Care Routine For Working Women

Working women are one of the busiest people in the world. With so much on our plates, we hardly have time to take care of ourselves. The consequences are visible on your face when you look in the mirror. A hectic work schedule and long work hours mean no time is left for self-care activities like skincare and beauty routines. 

Working women often feel as if they have no time for themselves, and their stress levels shoot through the roof. They don’t have enough time to get ready every morning and night, much less a routine involving many different steps. 

However, it doesn’t mean you cannot follow a skincare routine at all. Here we bring you 5 simple but effective skin care tips to make your day easier:

1: Cleansing

The first step in any skincare routine should always be cleansing. Not only does this remove excess dirt and oil from the face, but it helps to keep pores clear and unclogged.  Depending on your skin type, you can use a water-based cleanser or a cream-based cleanser. Use a gentle cleanser that doesn’t irritate the skin.

2: Exfoliate

Exfoliating removes excess dead skin cells and stimulates blood flow to the skin’s surface. This speeds up the rate of skin regeneration, giving the appearance of younger, healthier skin. You can exfoliate once a week, or if you are exfoliating daily, use a gentle exfoliator.

3: Toning

Toners replenish the nutrients that your cleansers have stripped away. This moisturizes and softens your skin while soothing any irritation. However, alcohol-based tones should be avoided at any cost. You can easily buy toners online.

4: Moisturizing

Once you have cleansed your skin, moisturizer is the next step in maintaining proper skin health. Using a rich moisturizer will help prevent dryness and irritation. If you have sensitive skin make sure to use a sensitive skin face moisturizer. You can try the Hydra 4® Day Protection Cream for extremely Sensitive Skin or the Hydro-Complex PFS for Dry Skin and Hydro-Complex PFS for Oily/Combination Skin.

5: Sun Protection

Sunscreen is extremely important for protecting the skin from harmful UV rays. Without sun protection, skin becomes damaged over time, and wrinkles begin to appear. Sunscreens block out the sun’s ultraviolet rays, thus preventing damage. Using a minimum of 50 SPF is recommended.

Bonus tip:

Commuting Checks

The hours you spend commuting to and from work every day can take a toll on your skin. A good trick is to keep a travel-sized moisturizer in your bag and apply it whenever needed. Wearing a hat or scarf can also prove to help minimize direct sun damage.

When it comes to skincare, there’s no such thing as being too prepared. Having a solid skincare routine is key, and working women have enough on their plates without worrying about their skin. With these tips, you can create the perfect skincare routine for the busy woman in your life. Remember, it’s never too late to take care of your skin.

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